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Twisted Hollow Homestead

Pedigreed Rabbit Breeder

Twisted Hollow Homestead is an American Rabbit Breeders Association registered rabbitry and member of the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club and National Silver Fox Rabbit Club. We breed our rabbits for show, fiber, fur and meat.

English Angora

Are you a spinner looking to harvest your own yarn without the high cost of sheep? Our English Angoras provide a way to produce your own luxurious fiber from your back yard.


Angora Rabbit

Are you a spinner? Angora fiber can add a luxuriously silky feel to your yarns and creations. 

Silver Fox

Looking for an American heritage breed to add to your homestead? Loon no further than the beautiful Silver Fox! This rabbit is a low maintenance rabbit ideal for fur and meat production.

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